Research Area: HIV Policy

Full Report Prep Cost Analysis for Covered California Health Plans (Spanish) January 9, 2017 PrEP is a highly effective medication for preventing HIV. Those interested in PrEP and enrolling in a Covered California health plan should carefully weigh the costs of a Truvada® prescription, copays for regular doctors’ visits and laboratory tests, and monthly premiums. …

Prep Cost Analysis for Covered California Health Plans (Spanish) Read More »

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HIV Policy
Prep Cost Analysis for Covered California Health Plans (Spanish)

January 9, 2017

Full Report Examining California’s Office of AIDS Health Insurance Premium Payment Program December 31, 2015 In 2011, the California State Office of AIDS (OA) launched the Office of AIDS Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (OA-HIPP) to assist HIV-positive Californians in establishing and maintaining health insurance by subsidizing their monthly health insurance premium payments. The OA …

Examining California’s Office of AIDS Health Insurance Premium Payment Program Read More »

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HIV Policy
Examining California’s Office of AIDS Health Insurance Premium Payment Program

December 31, 2015

Manuscript Identifying Challenges and Defining Strategies for Providers and Policymakers Implementing the Affordable Care Act in Low-Income HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Setting March 1, 2014 In preparation for full Affordable Care Act implementation, California has instituted two healthcare initiatives that provide comprehensive coverage for previously uninsured or underinsured individuals. For many people living with HIV, …

Identifying Challenges and Defining Strategies for Providers and Policymakers Implementing the Affordable Care Act in Low-Income HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Setting Read More »

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HIV Policy
Identifying Challenges and Defining Strategies for Providers and Policymakers Implementing the Affordable Care Act in Low-Income HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Setting

March 1, 2014

Manuscript Early Evidence from California on Transitions to a Reformed Health Insurance System for Persons Living With HIV/AIDS November 1, 2013 Many uninsured people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) will obtain managed health insurance coverage when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is implemented in January 2014. Since 2011, California has transitioned PLWHA to Medicaid managed care …

Early Evidence from California on Transitions to a Reformed Health Insurance System for Persons Living With HIV/AIDS Read More »

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HIV Policy
Early Evidence from California on Transitions to a Reformed Health Insurance System for Persons Living With HIV/AIDS

November 1, 2013

Policy Brief Private health insurance available through Covered California Could Cost More Than Some People Living with HIV/AIDS Can Afford September 1, 2013 Over 5,500 Californians living with HIV/AIDS access medical care and drug treatment at little or no cost through the Ryan White Program. They will be newly-eligible for coverage offered through California’s health …

Private health insurance available through Covered California Could Cost More Than Some People Living with HIV/AIDS Can Afford Read More »

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HIV Policy
Private health insurance available through Covered California Could Cost More Than Some People Living with HIV/AIDS Can Afford

September 1, 2013

Policy Brief Proposal to Mandate Condom Distribution in Prisons Would Reduce Correctional Facility Costs for Inmate Health Care in California June 1, 2013 In response to a newly released report on the pilot program that evaluated condoms distribution in one of the four Solano State Prison facilities, California Assembly Member Rob Bonta recently proposed AB999, …

Proposal to Mandate Condom Distribution in Prisons Would Reduce Correctional Facility Costs for Inmate Health Care in California Read More »

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HIV Policy
Proposal to Mandate Condom Distribution in Prisons Would Reduce Correctional Facility Costs for Inmate Health Care in California

June 1, 2013

Policy Brief HIV and Incarceration: Reviewing the Policy Issues September 1, 2012 Among the most glaring health disparities in California is the disproportionate prevalence of HIV among individuals in the correctional system. These individuals are also disproportionately African-American and Latino and many experience repeated arrests and releases over their lifetimes. Interventions carried out during incarceration …

HIV and Incarceration: Reviewing the Policy Issues Read More »

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HIV Policy
HIV and Incarceration: Reviewing the Policy Issues

September 1, 2012

Policy Brief California’s HIV Surveillance System: Ensuring that it Fully Reflects Caseload March 1, 2011 In order to develop a surveillance system for California that best serves public health needs and assures the state of obtaining its “fair share” of Ryan White funding, this policy brief recommends: 1) expanding outreach efforts; 2)erasing the distinct on …

California’s HIV Surveillance System: Ensuring that it Fully Reflects Caseload Read More »

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HIV Policy
California’s HIV Surveillance System: Ensuring that it Fully Reflects Caseload

March 1, 2011

Policy Brief How Will Proposed Medi-Cal Cost Sharing Affect People Living With HIV in California? March 1, 2011 California Gov. Brown proposed Medicaid co-payments that would impose significant financial barriers on the receipt of medical care by persons living with HIV (PLWH), who require substantial amounts of Medi-Cal care annually. This analysis quantifies those costs …

How Will Proposed Medi-Cal Cost Sharing Affect People Living With HIV in California? Read More »

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HIV Policy
How Will Proposed Medi-Cal Cost Sharing Affect People Living With HIV in California?

March 1, 2011

Policy Brief How Can California Overcome Barriers to Expanding CARE/HIPP Enrollment? February 1, 2011 The Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency/Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (CARE/HIPP) subsidizes private insurance premiums for low income persons living with HIV (PLWH) who are disabled and unable to work. Many of these PLWH would otherwise be eligible to receive medication through …

How Can California Overcome Barriers to Expanding CARE/HIPP Enrollment? Read More »

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HIV Policy
How Can California Overcome Barriers to Expanding CARE/HIPP Enrollment?

February 1, 2011