Ernest Hopkins, Director of Legislative Affairs at SFAF, has led the organization’s federal policy activities since 1997. There he advocates for sound public policies and appropriate funding for federal HIV/AIDS programs. Prior to SFAF, Mr. Hopkins served as the Director of Health and Treatment at the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) from 1995-97. He is one of three founders of the Washington, DC Black Gay and Lesbian Pride Day in 1991; an event originally designed to fund HIV support for people living with AIDS which has now evolved into an International Black Gay Pride movement. In 1993 Mr. Hopkins began his relationship with the Communities Advocating Emergency AIDS Relief (CAEAR) Coalition representing the advocacy concerns of Part A and Part C of the Ryan White HIV Treatment Modernization Act. He has served as CAEAR’s national Chair. In 1998, he was awarded the Congressional Black Caucus’s Health Brain Trust Community Service Award for his efforts. In his role on the APRC, Mr. Hopkins participates in PRAC meetings and provides consultations on state rapid response projects that have implications for or are affected by federal legislation and policies.