Anne Donnelly is the Director of State Health Care Policy for San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF). She is responsible for ensuring that HIV and hepatitis C health care legislation, funding, program policies and delivery system reforms in California reflect the needs of people living with HIV, hepatitis C and related conditions. She works to ensure that people with HIV and hepatitis C can access affordable, comprehensive and quality care and treatment. SFAF centers those most vulnerable to inadequate health care, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities, low income people, men who have sex with men and/or same gender loving individuals, transgender individuals, people who use drugs, those who are undocumented, and those who are incarcerated. Prior to this position, Anne worked at Project Inform, a national HIV and Hepatitis C advocacy and education organization for 30 years in a number of health care policy leadership positions. Her last position was Senior Director of Policy and Strategy.